Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Soo sorry, and i mean that.

Hello my cuties,
I have to firstly apologise for my lack of posts recently. I have no real reason, mostly procrastination, you see, I will start a post, or get an idea in my head that I feel I need to post something based about or around it, but suddenly and I mean so suddenly I will randomly come across something else on the net or in my life and then there goes the motivation for the blog post! Sorry :$

Next I want to say a big HELLOOO to my new followers, :Waves: thank you for taking the time to check my blog out, don't forget to leave me your name and the country your from in my comments, so I get to know a little more about each of you! :)

Now I would also like to say a huge thank you to Sabrina, this chick mentioned me in her blog and therefore got me a few followers.. "Thank you doll, cant wait till the next time we hang out". Check her blog out HERE if you haven't already!

Now on to today's post, I have a February Favourites I need to post, but I haven't got round to actually taking the pictures for it, to be fair I have hardly taken any pictures lately!? I also have a post to do about my bags, but again I need to take the pictures which I still haven't got around to doing! :)
Although what I have taken a picture of, is the amazing letter I got in the post, from my amazing friend/big sister Sammie. She sent me 6 pages of beautiful words, pictures and cute little stickers, which brought back so many memories. She also sent a mix CD which I am in love with, it has all the songs that our friendship has lived through. Anything from Paramore to Dolly Parton. We have decided to put pen to paper more often and write little letters to each other, as everyone now a days seems to text, phone, twitter, email or facebook each other. We're going old style and lining up in the post office to buy stamps and then finding a red post box to post them to each other, as I live in London and she's up in Preston!

Do you guys write letters to friends or family often?


Jasmin said...

Aww this letter looks amazing! Getting mail from friends is the best thing ever, it's so exciting when it arrives in the post! x

Amiee Whitney said...

*shakes fist at you* ABOUT TIME YOU UPDATED! ;)

Amiee Whitney said...

Only kidding babs ;)

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