Monday 6 July 2009

Michael Home Movie


^.^ MJ makes me laugh so much..haa.. i love and miss him! ♥
haa, happy Sunday. I'm a little weirded out today, probs no biggie..I'll let ya know how i feel about the situation in a few days! LOL :) what did you guys do today?? let me know. i did ALOT of cleaning, i threw out so much old clothes and did a big clear out of the junk in this house as well as doing the laundry and Sylvia doing the hoovering and finally some childcare coursework! : shit day really. What did you guys doo??

watch at 1:05.. OMG Hes so funny and cute! ♥

G'Night. Boring Post.


Anaa said...

sim , o meu fim de semana foi muito animado.
Fui a um espectáculo da melhor escola de dança do pais, e ainda fui a um jantar de aniversário maravilhoso. E consegui comprar umas calças de ganga e umas sandálias. Foi produtivo :D

Vais adorar estar com o aston. ahaa, imagino a tua felicidade. Depois conta como foi *.*

maria almeida said...

Oh Gosh, the video is amazing! He was really funny :)
Well, what I did today... Today is my brother's birthday. So we all went to a sort of zoo, with wild animals and stuff. We've never been there, we just saw a couple of photos and we thought it was nice. And it is Monday, and all the others zoo's like this one are closed, so this was our only chance. We almost made an 2 hours trip, just to get there and realise that it is howeful. We didn't even enter the place. Just by the way it looked we left. Conclusion: we spent all afternoon in the shopping center. --' We wanted to do something diferent because it is a special day and we end up by doing what we do every single weekend xD

Anonymous said...

He IS such a great person =)

Anaa said...

oh, que fixe. Estou ansiosa para saber tudo :D estou contente por ti.

Eu tambem adoro dançar. Fiz ballet, e pelo meio ainda fazia danças tradicionais portuguesas e dança moderna. Mas desde que sai do ballet só danço em casa, no meu quarto.
Alguma vez practicaste dança?

Vanessa Oliveira said...

yes, sunday was really nice and my brother had a lot of fun eheh

maria almeida said...

Yeah, I love shopping too, but yestearday was a special day and it was suposed to be something diferent of we're use to.
About Austraulia, it's amazing! Breathe taking. Such a great story, and a beautiful romance. I loved it! And of course, there's Hugh Jackman dazzling me every single time he appears on screen. *-*

*L.E.S* said...

Ele é tao querido!*.*

Anaa said...

oh, obrigado. Por acaso nem fiquei muito bem nas fotos, mas deixa lá.
Não faz mal, andas sem tempo?
Eu fiz ballet mas agora sai...desisti daquilo,já estava farta. Agora só danço em casa, como tu xD

maria almeida said...

Yeah, it's what I'm going to do. Green Day are coming to Portugal in September. We both love them, so I guess I'm going to take him with me. ^^

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