Saturday 15 August 2009

Middle of the night

Hey world, its 1:35am..and im blogging!
cant be a good thing. huh? well its not. i have a headache and im feeling ill i think it has something to do with that horrible ice cream i just took a bite out of. im also sad, hurt, disappointed and feeling used at the moment. I feel NUMB more or less. its so over with me and Danny and it's literally the shortest relationship i have ever had. Its also the one that hurt the most undoubtedly...and unfortunately but its the most painful because he used me to get what he wanted and then he left! With all my Ex's they never used me and i didnt let them, with this one i allowed him to get close and then BOOM he did what they all do! :/ SUCH IS LIFE!
im off to try and sleep some!! i feel ill.


1 comment:

Anaa said...

isso piorou :/ é normal sentires-te assim ele magoou-te a foi um parvo, mas vais ver que vais acabar por ultrapassar. Que parvahão meu deus, merecias mesmo descanso. Continuas de férias certo? então deixa lá, aproveita para bloggar a meio da noite, para saires e para conheceres gente nova, para seres "selvagem" e para desncasares de tudo o que não gostas. Aproveita bem este tempo e espero que fiques melhor depressa :D

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